Fender Squire Affinity P-Bass Reviews 4

I purchased my Squire from musicians friend for $149, with a bleamished finish.

I loved this guitar from the start. The sound was great and the bass was very easy to play. Due to light weight of the bass, I was able to play faster and more accurate.

I did not like the fact that the bass had a dead circuit in the volume nob. So, I had to replace the circuit for about 15 bucks. Also, the bass need to be setup for about 80 dollars. However, even 5,000 dollar guitars require a setup.

The construction was well made on the outside. I could throw the bass from a ten story window and not even pop a string or make a dent. However, the circuits needed more work, but the bass was very inexpensive.

I saved around 150 dollars by buying a bass online and only paying for small touchups and circuit work.

ChessPres2 rated this unit 4 on 2003-10-03.

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